Things to look at

Thursday 23 June 2011


The feared and creepy eyeball
I wanted glowy stuff, so I crowbarred fireflies in
Yummmm. I made him change colours cause it'll look more interesting this way
This one is new! It's a bird skull. I really like drawing skeletons, it's cool to do.
Flappity flap flap.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Unfinished business

Sometimes I don't have the time or heart to finish something, and I end up having a half finished product or a sketch. I like watching unfinished stuff of other people though, so I thought it might be worth the effort to upload them. Maybe I'll get to finish them one day, maybe not. Who knows huh?

I made this recently and I'm having a bloody hard time with it. A lack of time made me stop working on it, but I'll probably pick it up later on since I'm actually already pretty happy about this.

I drew this without a reference, and it shows haha. There's a lotta things not right about this piece, but I do like the expression in her face. She looks like she just caught you spying on her, and she's not happy about it.

I tried to draw a character I made up, but this is just not how I envisioned her. Which is why I didn't pursue this drawing further. I do like her expression and her face though, so I'm still pretty happy.

I just wanted to practise drawing a skeleton, but I forgot that I was doing this somewhere along the way. I must have wanted to draw some girls or something.

I had fun drawing this, I mainly made it to practise drawing subtle differences in body types. I don't want to end up making every person I draw look the same. I think I succeeded in that, but I don't think I'll finish these girls because I only really like the look of the right one. I think I kinda failed at drawing the other two haha, there is some potential though, I think I'd do a better job now. Less kooky colours and more subtlety.

Ah this one, I stopped with this one because the anatomy just gave me a splitting headache. I didn't use a reference and it shows so much! I like the pose and the colours, and I think the face is rather lovely but the anatomy is just painfully incorrect haha. I'd have to completely redraw this if I wanted to do it properly.

Sunday 12 June 2011


Just a little self portrait in the style I'm most comfortable with. As per usual, the hair is the most detailed piece of the whole drawing! It was relaxing doing this, not having to think and just scribble a little bit. Next time I'll be doing something I'm not used to again like a proper student, haha.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Let's try for some realism

This is the original image, I really don't know who this is or where it came from; so if someone knows please notify me so I can link it.

As you can see, this is made in a rather different fashion than you might be used to when seeing my art. I figured that if I really want to earn my livings with drawing, I'll need to show some diversity in my work. Which is why I started practising drawing a nude in a much more realistic style than I'm used to. I decided to go for a naked woman portrait, because I enjoy drawing girls and I don't get to do it much these days. I chose to do black and white because it seemed slightly easier to do than a coloured image, and I wanted to make it an enjoyable experience for myself. Starting with something ultra difficult might have made the hurdle too big for me, so I was really happy when I found the source image. I think it's a staggeringly beautiful picture, her face is very interesting and it proved a challenge. In the end it took me about 7 hours (three sittings) to finish, and I am very pleased with it. I made it in photoshop, mainly in one layer using a normal brush and the occasional eraser. I'm so chuffed to bits with this, I didn't expect it to go so well! Well if you'll excuse me, I'll go and behave like the 5 year old I secretly am and show this to all the people I know. *gushes*

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Inanimate objects

This is the crossbow I designed for our main character; Dr. Crumble. It's very heavily influenced by Van Helsings crossbow since that one was pretty motherfudging awesome.
This is a model sheet from one of the essential pick ups from the game, a bird wing. I also added some references for the 3D modeler so he'd have an easier job modeling it.

Another model sheet of a pick up. Ugh I  did not like drawing this eye, for some reason it grossed the shit out of me haha. Look at those threads following it! Buwaaaah, yuk!

Another pick-up; fireflies in a jar. I desperately wanted something that glowed in the game, so ha! I managed to crowbar it in, go me.

Okay, who ordered this salamander on a stick? Anyone? It's getting cold!

Well you know, it's not a game unless it has generic crates in it. So here you go!

Some environmental design, a nice big hollow tree to walk through. Whoo-peeeee

I remember being proud of finishing this bridge, because it was a royal pain in the bum! Really now, I am not fit for accurate drawing. I think it ended up well though, so things worked out.

Evolution of a character; Mr Pie

Designing the first shadow sheets, brought it in front of the team. Chose the best three together.
Second stage, defining sketches and choosing one with my team.

Choosing a final design, refining it and wait for feedback from team members
Final Version! Isn't he just spiffy?

The process of designing Mr. Pie, the handsome chap. You might wonder why there is so much "Choosing with the team" involved. I'm the character artist aren't I, not them? Well, that's because we're making a game together, and as the concept artist it's my job to design the characters to the satisfaction of everyone involved. The endresult will be made with the efforts of all of us, so I think it's important that everything I make is approved by my teammates. Especially the lead characters, since they pretty much are the face of the game. Everyone should be happy with it! That is what makes me a happy bunny.

Heads up!

This week I've been working on the HUD (Heads up display) of our game. To be honest, I'm chuffed to bits with this! I've never made a HUD before, and I'm very pleased with the result. What you see is both the faces of the lead characters. I wanted to make them stand out because the player can't see the face of the chosen character very well when they're playing, so with their portrait in the HUD I hope to give the player a bigger connection to the character they've chosen to play. The health bar kind of speaks for itself, and the other block-things are the special powers you can unlock. Yep, I'm a happy bunny.

What's that looking over the hill?

The past few weeks I've been designing these monsters for my current school project and I've been enjoying it so much! I really liked diving into the anatomy of these animals, getting to know the animal first before designing a different creature out of it. I wanted to change them, but still make it recognisable from which animal they originated. They are more mutated animals than they are original creatures, which gave me the opportunity to study my subjects thoroughly. As always, click for a bigger image and let me know what you think.