Things to look at

Saturday 16 April 2011

Sunday 3 April 2011

Stumble upon

When I (literally) stumbled upon this, I knew I just had to post it. The text is just so utterly striking and beautiful and true, I just had to share it! I think anyone can relate to this, it really made me feel something.

With some help I found out this text originates from the book: Looking for Alaska from the author John Green. I can't wait to read it now, haha.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Doodle time!

It was time for a new avatar and this time the theme was Portal! If you don't know what Portal is, then you're quite obviously not a gamer. Which isn't something bad by any means! Just means the drawings coming up won't make any sense to you:

 You'd better protect your cake Robert, chocolate's my favourite.

Aaand here's a doodle of a random happy girl I still had lying around somewhere.