Things to look at

My Bucket List

This page is for my bucket list, which is a list of things I want to achieve before I err...*kick the bucket.*

That's about all it is really, so if you want to read about my life goals please go ahead!
Some of them are epicly awesome, some are mindblowingly hard and some are just plain silly.
So, in non-chronological order, here it is. Enjoy!

Before I die, I want to:

- Finish my education Cum Laude
- Spend a night in a treehouse
- Tie a secret to a balloon and let it go
- Learn to identify 10 constellations
- Read a book in a day
- Write a list of 100 things that make me happy
- Write 5 letters to 5 people who changed my life
- Make my own portfolio website
- Write a list of 101 things I've already achieved in this lifetime
- Keep a regularily updated Dream Diary for at least a year
- See a double complete rainbow (double rainbow all the way!)
- Draw an endangered animal from life
- Learn a new language
- Work for a video game company
- Illustrate a book
- Help a complete stranger
- Go on an epic journey through Asia
- Listen to a DVD commentary
- Plant a window box herb garden
- Kiss at the top of London Eye
- Take singing classes
- Watch turtles enter the sea for the first time
- Go swimming in the sea at night with glowing jellyfish.
- Write and illustrate a children’s book
- Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
- Write a love letter
- Write a detailed zombie apocalypse plan
- Laugh until I cry.
- Make the Super Epic Rainbow Cake
- Make a video about a typical day of my life
- Take care of a kickass internship spot.
- Attend a music festival in another country
- Learn how to write with my left hand.
- Sleep under the stars
- Donate blood
- Leave 30 motivational post-its in public places
- Find out my blood type
- Become a mom
-Win something (anything really, winning something is always awesome)
- Work really hard on a drawing and give it away.
- Draw a comic.
- Get a standing ovation
- Make a living of drawing.
- Spend a perfect day with friends in the sun, barefoot, laying in the grass while listening to my favourite music.
- Sing in the rain
- Write a book
- Write a short story
- Write a message in a public bathroom
- Climb a really big tree
- Win from my dad in a sparring match (student surpasses the master, buahahaha)
- Be a zombie in a zombie movie or show!